This sign in a listing indicates meetings are wheelchair accessible. Reykjavik Reykjavik - DRA, Wednesdays / Miðvikudaga 19:00 - 20:00
p.m. (Closed Meeting) Héðinshúsið, Seljavegi 2. Contact: Hörður R. Phone #1: +354-863-3165 Phone #2: +354-456-8148
Email: Non-Smoking. Fundurinn er opinn DRA félögum og þeim sem vilja ná bata
úr tvíþættri truflun sinni, þ.e.a.s. efnafíkn
og geðrænum eða tilfinningalegum sjúkdómi. Fundurinn hefur að leiðarljósi meginreglur reynsluspora og erfðavenja
DRA. (Updated 3/2004)
Meeting) = An open meeting is held for DRA members, and
individuals who are concerned about their personal recovery. In
addition, it is also open for non DRA members to attend. For
example, an open meeting may be attended by a family member or
friend of someone in DRA. An open meeting might also be attended
by someone who is looking for help for a loved one or friend who
is affected by a dual disorder. An open meeting also provides a
good opportunity for the fellowship to carry the message to others
who may not have another means of learning about DRA. |
Meeting) = For DRA Members and individuals with a dual
diagnosis who are interested in their personal dual recovery.
There may be members who only feel comfortable talking about their
dual recovery in a group setting that is attended only by other
DRA members. There may also be individuals who are concerned about
their confidentiality. Those individuals want their dual recovery
and participation to remain a private matter. Anonymity is the
right of every DRA member and must be respected at all times. |
Dual Recovery Anonymous
World Services Central Office
P.O. Box 8107, Prairie Village, Kansas, 66208
Toll Free 1-877-883-2332 |