BLACK MOUNTAIN - The Dual Recovery
Group, Tuesday, 8:00 - 9:00 p.m., (Open Meeting)
117 Montreat Road. Contact: Angela M.,
Phone #: 828-357-8403 Email: The meetings is held in the white house on the
right side of the church on the hill. (Updated
BLACK MOUNTAIN - The Dual Recovery
Group, Thursday, 8:00 - 9:00 p.m., (Open Meeting)
117 Montreat Road. Contact: Angela M.,
Phone #: 828-357-8403 Email: The meetings is held in the white house on the
right side of the church on the hill. (Updated
CHARLOTTE - The Charlotte DRA Group, Monday, 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., (Closed Meeting)
Eastover P&PG, 3303 Latrobe Dr. Contact: Gary H.,
Phone #: 484-753-1134 Email: Meet in Lobby of building by 7:25 and proceed as a group to the meeting room. Doors are locked by 7:35. Late arrivals should knock on back door for admittance. Meetings alternate between 12 Step Study and Discussion (Started 5/2009, Updated
MORGANTON - Coping Today,
Monday, 8:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. (Open Meeting)
Queen Street Club, 923 East Union Street, Contact: Bill
S., Phone #1: 828-584-0363 Phone #2:
828-433-4713 E-mail: (New Meeting 1/2002)
MORGANTON - Sane and
Sober, Saturday, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm. (Open
Meeting) 923 East Union Street, Contact: Bill
S., Phone #1: 828-584-0363 Phone #2:
828-499-1516 e-mail: (Updated 1/2001)
MORGANTON - DRA Step Study and Speaker
Meeting, Friday, 8:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. (Open
Meeting) Queen Street Club, 923 East Union Street,
Contact: Bill S., Phone #1: 828-584-0363 Phone #2:
828-433-4713 E-mail: Step Study first 3 or 4 weeks - Speaker last
Friday or each month. (New
Meeting 1/2002)
12:00 noon -
1:00 p.m., (Open Meeting) 111 Manuel Dr. Contact:
Diana J. Phone
#: 252-946-1910 Email: Topic or Open discussion meeting. Manuel
Dr. is off Pontiac, which is off Highway 264 near the Park Boat
Company. Meeting held in Washington Housing Authority Building,
Community Center (Meeting Started
5/2007, Updated 9/2008)