DRA News &
Events - Site Update Information

We are carrying the message and our DRA fellowship is growing! |
"At the heart of DRA's growth, is our ever increasing desire to carry our message, to provide support, and to share the miracles we have experienced through the process of dual recovery in our lives." |
New DRA members from around the world are chartering new Groups and registering meetings. There has been a steady increase in requests for DRA Group start-up materials, phone calls for information, emails, letters, book orders, and so on, from people throughout the states and around the world. More and more DRA Groups are exploring sponsorship, focusing on the process of developing their Group structure, beginning to form DRA Area Intergroups, and taking H&I meetings into institutions. DRA is growing in many important ways. At the heart of DRA's growth, is an increasing desire to carry our message, to provide support and to share the miracles we have experienced through the process of dual recovery in our lives.
DRA World Network response time has been increasingly slower because of the massive volume of requests for information by phone, letter and email, lots of book orders, updating the meeting directory, and other member services. It will get better!
1. Continue to carry our message to others in your local area, and
2. Continue to send your Group's regular contributions to DRA World Services so together, we can continue to share our message throughout the world!
DRA World Network
PO Box 8107
Prairie Village KS 66208
DRA is self-supporting through our contributions. DRA World Network will function within our resources and continue to develop membership services as our fellowship grows.
NEED: DRA World Network needs a new computer. If you or your Group can help, please send an email to:

Recently our computer crashed and we lost many group registrations and meeting registrations that had been submitted online. If your group is not in the directory, please send the information again.
Thank You.
What is a DRA Intergroup?
(by DRA World Network)
A DRA Intergroup is an area service work committee that exists to serve the common needs of all DRA groups in a defined geographical area. An Intergroup's officers are members of those local DRA groups thus its group conscience best reflects the needs and resources of the groups it serves. A DRA Intergroup exists to aid all local DRA Groups within its boundaries in their common purpose of carrying the DRA message. An Intergroup, with its collective resources and experience, can generally reach out into the community more effectively than an individual group. An Intergroup offers a community or geographical area an obvious and accessible source when someone is looking for information about DRA. Intergroups are an integral part of the DRA Network for Unity and Service. DRA World Network receives many requests for local DRA contacts. With Intergroup information at hand, (and in the DRA Online Resource Center Web Site), DRA World Network can refer requests to the Intergroup contacts.
A DRA Intergroup is guided by the principles found in the DRA Preamble, Steps, and Traditions. Its purpose is to serve, not govern. Intergroups serve each DRA group within its boundaries equally, regardless of a group's ability or willingness to contribute resources. An Intergroup is self-supporting through its own contributions and the voluntary efforts and contributions of the groups that they serve. Intergroups function within their resources and develop services as their area fellowship grows.
If you are considering starting an Intergroup in your area, contact the DRA World Network Central Office to learn more. Intergroups must meet certain requirements and maintain a working relationship with DRA World Network. More on Intergroups |
Posted 3/2009
thank you to Hörđur R., for translating parts of
this web site into Icelandic. Check back every so often as we plan on
adding more DRA information in Icelandic as time permits. Blessađur Hörđur.
Click the flag to take a look.
Posted 8/2003
Helpful Info about starting a DRA meeting
Information on how and where to start a DRA meeting in your community. -
This is a printable booklet of the
Starting a DRA Meeting in your community section of this web site. Includes
Your first DRA meeting What is it like? section in Adobe Reader (PDF) file
Posted 8/2003
Discuss DRA's 12 Traditions
Fellowship Traditions
Discussion Booklet - This is a printable booklet of the
12 Traditions Discussion section of this web site in Adobe Reader (PDF) file
format. Printable booklet about DRA's Twelve Traditions based on the combined
practical experience of various DRA members and Group Representatives. DRA
Members offer practical applications of the Traditions as they are applied
to Group processes and problem solving. Includes the DRA Preamble with
explanations by Tim H.
DRA's Preamble - Explained.
Posted 6/2003
Members share their experience and
thoughts regarding DRA's Twelve Traditions.
Posted 5/2003
Posted 4/2003
Information on starting up a DRA Group in your community
Posted 3/2003
Group Service Numbers
DRA World Network is beginning to implement a numbering system
for our Group's registered meetings called a Group Service Number. It is a
unique identifier that will be provided to each Group or meeting that has it's
own service structure and group conscience. It will be useful when a meeting's
Secretary or Group Service Representative contacts DRA World Network regarding
a meeting's registration information or other matters. It will also help insure
that each registered DRA Group has an equal voice in matters affecting the DRA
Fellowship as a whole.
This numbering system is part of the foundation of the Fellowship's "Network for
Unity and Service". Eventually, Groups may be asked questions regarding
important matters concerning the Fellowship of DRA by the Board of Directors or
related service boards. A Group will then take its Group's conscience regarding
the matter. The Group Service Representative, identified by a Group Service
Number, will then be able to notify the World Network Central Office of the
results of that Group's collective experience and wisdom regarding the matter.
In effect, DRA World Network will be able to take an Informed Conscience of the
DRA Fellowship.
As part of this numbering system, we need to know when your meetings were first
formed. We need to know what year they began. At your convenience, would you
please update your DRA meeting's registration information via the web site
registration form, or supply us by email with the dates your Groups/meetings first started?
Approximations and best guesses are fine.
Posted 2/2003
Meeting Registration Mail in form in Adobe Reader Format. Instructions and
form print both sides of a single sheet.
Posted 2/2003
Member's Discuss DRA's 12 Steps
Fellowship Step Discussion Booklet
- This is a printable booklet of the Step Discussion
section of this web site in Adobe Reader (PDF) file format.
We plan on making more sections of the DRA Online Resource Center available
for download and printing over the next several months.
Dual Recovery Anonymous World Network
P.O. Box 8107
Prairie Village, Kansas 66208
Toll Free 1-877-883-2332
EMAIL: draws@draonline.org
Dual Recovery Anonymous World Network is Growing
Dual Recovery Anonymous World Network Inc., has been established to
provide a system of support as our Fellowship continues to grow and as
our DRA Network for Unity and Service continues to develop. Equally as
important, Dual Recovery Anonymous World Network has been established
to maintain the integrity of DRA's founding vision and the core
principles within our Preamble, Twelve Steps, and Twelve Traditions. Our
founding vision and core principles ensure that DRA's growing Fellowship
maintains our primary purpose and focus:
- To help one another achieve dual recovery
- To prevent relapse
- To carry the message of recovery to others who experience dual
Clearly, our Fellowship is continues to grow and evolve. DRA
members are registering their Groups around the world. There has
been a steady increase in requests for DRA Group start-up materials from
people throughout the states and around the world. In addition, there
are more DRA members who are focusing on the process of developing their
Group structure, forming DRA Area Intergroups and exploring sponsorship.
DRA is growing in many important ways. At the heart of DRA's growth, is
a growing desire to carry our message, to provide support and to share
the miracles we have experienced through the process of dual recovery in
action. |
Visit the section
where DRA members discuss each of our Twelve
Steps. We hope that you find their views and personal experience
helpful and interesting. Please feel free to submit your thoughts
and comments to the webmaster for possible inclusion. |
DRA World Network now has a page detailing our current policies
about online dual recovery meetings, chat rooms, and e-mail lists.
Click here
or go through our members services page. |