The Dual Recovery
Anonymous Fellowship met with unprecedented growth in 2001. Our
World Network Central Office began taking requests for
information and Meeting Start-up Packets from points all over the
world on a regular basis. We've recently sent DRA Meeting Start-up
Packets to New Zealand, Mexico, Australia, The Philippines, The
Slavic Republic, Canada, India, Ireland, and England to name a
few. DRA Meetings are forming in Australia and New Zealand, and we
now have our first registered DRA Group in India.
Our web site is receiving
hundreds of visitors daily with a steady stream coming from
overseas. We are frequently visited by our good neighbors to the
south and west, Mexico and Canada. Dual Recovery Anonymous
welcomes everyone with an interest in dual recovery. It is our
vision to have DRA literature and meetings available wherever they
are needed around the globe. It is also our vision for all
DRA 12 Step Groups to register their meetings with us no matter how big or
how small, what language is spoken, or where they are located.
The World Network Central Office has a vision of believable
hope that transcends all political barriers and geographical
borders. Dual Recovery is possible for men and women of all races,
orientations, religions, or political philosophies.