DRA 12-Step Meetings are chaired and run by DRA Members. DRA 12-Step Meetings are a function of an Autonomous DRA Group. DRA Groups are Non-professional, Self-Help, Peer Support Groups that are guided by DRA's Preamble, 12 Steps, & 12 Traditions.
This sign in a listing indicates meetings are wheelchair accessible.
Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas,
California Northern, California
Southern, Colorado, Connecticut,
Delaware, District
of Columbia (Washington, D.C.), Florida, Georgia,
Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Kentucky, Louisiana,
Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts,
Michigan, Minnesota,
Mississippi, Missouri,
Montana, Nebraska, Nevada,
New Hampshire, New
Jersey, New Mexico, New
York, North Carolina, Ohio,
Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania,
Rhode Island, South
Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee,
Texas, Utah, Vermont,
Virginia, Washington,
West Virginia, Wisconsin,
We ask that you Do
Not copy and re-post our meeting schedules on the Internet. If you wish you
may link directly to them. This information constantly changes and it would not
be helpful to have incomplete and obsolete meeting information spreading over
the Internet. |
Call First to Confirm new Meetings.
Some meetings may have dissolved or changed meeting times without notifying DRA
World Services. There are also DRA Groups that have not yet
registered their meetings. It pays to ask around at local 12 Step
Clubs and other community resource centers.