drink was too many, and a thousand was never enough." |
you don't want to get drunk, don't drink!" |
Once we get clean and sober we often find that many of our
old patterns of daily living aren't good for our recoveries or well-being.
The places we use to hang out to socialize, drink, and use drugs are now the
most dangerous places we can go if we want to maintain our abstinence. A
common slogan heard at meetings is "If you don't want to slip, stay
out of slippery places!" The safest way to deal with places like
bars and taverns is to stay away from them. Some have tried to continue
socializing in their old familiar haunts by drinking soda water, pop, or
coffee, but this is doomed to failure. It's best to learn new ways to
socialize and to work at building new clean and sober friendships. Twelve
Step meetings are an excellent way to achieve this. There are times however,
that a recovering person may not be able to avoid a slippery place. Perhaps
a business engagement or a family gathering where wine is served. It helps
if we spend some time and thought identifying those places and situations
beforehand and figure out exactly how we plan to handle those situations
from now on. Remember, recovering people ALWAYS have the right to say NO
THANKS to offers of a drink (or drug). No one is obligated to pick up and
use just because a drink, pill, pipe, or line, is placed in front of
them. By setting recovery as our first priority we are taking the best
possible care of ourselves.
click here to bring up a
printable form
Identifying slippery places and
situations who can hurt my recovery |
Situations and places that are dangerous for my
- ___________________________________________________
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How will I cope with each of the above situations:
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Relapses don't just happen. They are a series of events,
feelings, behaviors, and thoughts that precede the actual act of taking that
first drink or drug. Identifying these events, feelings, behaviors and
thoughts helps us stop the process long before it leads to an actual lapse
or relapse.
click here to bring up a
printable form
Check off any of these warning signs that might
apply to you.
__ Bored most of the time
__ Avoiding problems
__ Problems sleeping
__ Missing meetings and aftercare
__ Blaming other people
__ Dreaming of the "good old days"
__ Visiting taverns and bars
__ Being uncommunicative
__ Not taking action
__ Keeping a stash just in case
__ Thinking, I can handle it on my own
__ Dwelling on mistakes
__ holding onto resentments |
__ Keeping secrets
__ Lying about activities
__ Hanging out with drug using friends
__ Thinking you are cured
__ Quitting therapy
__ Missing appointments
__ Stopping medications
__ Getting to hungry
__ Excess Anger
__ Staying to lonely
__ Being to tired
__ Quit reading recovery literature
__ Worrying too much about the future |
Additional warning signs
________________________ |
________________________ |
In recovery, many of us find we have a lot of time to fill.
Before recovery, drinking and using had been a big part of our lives.
Empty time and boredom are major relapse factors. We need to identify and
participate in new activities that promote our recovery. Since we can't be
in meetings all the time it helps to list constructive things to do with our
free time.
click here to bring up a
printable form
Make a list of things to do that are enjoyable
and healthy. |
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Back to Relapse Prevention
Dual Recovery Anonymous
World Network Central Office
P.O. Box 8107, Prairie Village, Kansas, 66208
Toll Free 1-877-883-2332 |