to Groups in the U.S.A. only)
At some point a DRA Group or Intergroup may decide to open a checking
or savings account at a local bank in the Group’s name. The bank may ask
for an Employee Identification Number (E.I.N.) before they will open an
account. Since each Group and Intergroup is an independent entity they
will need to apply for their own "Federal I.D. Number" from the
Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.). They cannot utilize the E.I.N of Dual
Recovery Anonymous World Services Inc.
An E.I.N. can be thought of sort of like an individual’s social
security number, but for a business or group of people instead of a single
person. The first step in applying for one is to obtain form SS-4,
"Application for Employer Identification Number" from the I.R.S.
To obtain a form SS-4, call your local I.R.S. office or access the I.R.S.
website on the Internet and download the form.
In filling out the application form, it is suggested that you consult
with the I.R.S. or a professional, such as an accountant or tax
specialist. Be sure to use a permanent mailing address if it is different
than the address where you hold your meetings. Then mail to the I.R.S.
Center listed for your area. In time, your Group’s new tax I.D. number
will be mailed to the address shown on the SS-4 form.
Having an E.I.N. and a bank account does not make your Group or
Intergroup a tax-exempt organization or give it legal non-profit status.
And you may need to file certain forms with the I.R.S. every year even if
your Group has very little income. It is your responsibility to learn and
follow any legal requirements.
