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DRA Meeting Format
Open Meeting

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Welcome to the _________________________________. This meeting is open to DRA members, their family and friends, and to other individuals who wish to learn more about Dual Recovery Anonymous. My name is __________ , and I am in dual recovery.

Will you join me for a moment of silence, followed by the Serenity Prayer?

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

(Introduction) Some of us are comfortable using the following introduction: My name is ______ and I am in dual recovery. But there is no official introduction. Feel free to find a way of introducing yourself that you are comfortable with.

Have someone read the Preamble.

Have someone read Accepting Differences.

Have someone read the 12 Traditions.

Have someone read Getting Started in DRA.

(read to the group) This is an open meeting where we can discuss the Steps and matters of personal recovery. Everyone will have an opportunity to share as we go around the room. If you do not wish to share, simply say "Pass". Please limit your sharing to 5 minutes. If anyone needs to leave early, please let us know so that we can be sure you have an opportunity to share. In respect to the person sharing, please refrain from any cross-talk, as well as refraining from giving any feedback until everyone has finished. We suggest the use of "I statements" to express our thoughts, feelings, and experiences

(Now stop for the 7th Tradition and announcements. Read to Group) At this time we will pause for the Seventh Tradition. This Tradition reminds us that every DRA group is self-supporting. All donations are used for rent, literature and other group expenses.

(Have someone read from: "Today I will do one thing" Then return to sharing)

Read at closing

Tradition Twelve reminds us of our need for anonymity. We ask that you do not repeat the names of anyone who has attended this meeting or talk about what has been shared. Only by exercising this tradition can DRA provide a setting where we can feel safe to share in a way that will help our dual recovery.

If you know someone who might find help from the DRA program, feel free to bring them to a DRA meeting. However, Please, bring them only if they express a personal interest. Recovery is always a matter of personal choice. We can do our best when we carry the message and practice the program. Would all who care to, join me in the Serenity Prayer?